Saturday, December 11, 2010

Conflicting Emotions

I love when no one sits next to me on the train. More space for me and my stuff! My bag doesn't have to touch the nasty floor and I don't have to worry about being squished up against the window if a large man plops himself down.


Then I start to wonder why no one sat next to me. I mean, I smell good, and at 5'2, if they choose my row, they would have a decent bit of space to stretch out. I feel like a kid getting picked last for the team.

Don't sit next to me! Please sit next to me!


sheri said...
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sheri said...

i feel like i'm the first person people sit next to on the train. i've always assumed it's because i'm relatively small and nonthreatening. either that or because i'm not one of those people that puts their bag on the seat as a deterrent. i would think it would be the same with you. perhaps you're more intimidating than you think? :)