Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I consider myself more patient than the average American. When public transportation stops in its tracks I stay calm. Standing in long lines is not fun, but I recognize that the cashier is probably overwhelmed and so I try to avoid exaggerated huffin n’ puffin or using complaint to bond with others in the line. However, that pretty little view of my patient self comes crashing down once the internet decides to take a break. There is little that makes me grit my teeth in impatience like interacting with Verizon Customer Service.

It’s sad how the inability to access the interwebs can incite me to ungracious thoughts and speech. You won’t catch me yelling or cursing, but my answers are curt, my tone is not warm or understanding, and if eye-rolling could make noise, the poor rep would be deaf. Inevitably they ask whether I have tried simply restarting the computer or modem, which just about makes me want to throw something across the room.

And this ugly, sinful scene plays out because I can’t check my email for the fifth time or read some tweets! Lately I have been challenged to think of the person on the other line. The nature of their job requires them to interact with dozens of customers each day, many of whom are probably as impatient as I am, and likely even more willing to verbalize it. I doubt a week goes by without them having to deal with raised voices, rude tones, cursing, and maybe even racist jabs as many of them are working from overseas call centers.

So the next time I need to make a call (which will be very soon as the internet in my apt is currently down and Steve Jobs hasn’t gifted me with an iphone), I should say a prayer thanking God that He has not dealt with me impatiently and ask for the grace to consider others greater than myself. And that silly Youtube video isn’t going anywhere.

In what areas of your life are you quick to be impatient?

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